Andrea Martin

Regional Manager

“Illinois cultivates manufacturing, agriculture and the best of human beings. Illinoisans possess a work ethic like no other. We are internationally recognized for our strength, determination and willingness to support others. I am proud to be from Illinois and to be part of the IMEC Team.”


Phone: 309.945.5665



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Lending a Hand

My entire family worked in manufacturing. Dad and his family worked at International Harvester, and Mom’s family worked at John Deere. My dad was very proud of his industry and introduced us to Farm Progress Tradeshows while reviewing competitors’ tractors and combines. Dad helped develop the IH Cotton Picker, and I remember how excited he was when the first one ‘came off the line’.

I experienced firsthand what happens to a manufacturer, and their employees, when a long strike occurs or when a company relocates manufacturing to another country. Regions are devastated, and it may be decades before they rebound. It makes one realize how vital manufacturing is to Illinois’ economic growth and stability.

As a Regional Manager for IMEC, it is my great pleasure to provide supportive services to manufacturers in Northwest Illinois.

My Background

My specialties are:

  • Sales Operations Leadership and Mentoring
  • Strategy and Market Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Performance and Quality Improvement
  • Employee Engagement and Retention

I was raised in Geneseo, Illinois and received a Bachelor of Arts in Music Therapy from Western Illinois University. Then, I relocated to Minnesota where I earned a Master of Arts in Gerontology from Bethel University. Currently, I am working on my MBA. I am thrilled to be in Illinois; although Minnesota provided many wonderful opportunities. I had dedicated my entire career to healthcare – specifically post-acute care. Now, I have the great fortune of supporting the Illinois Manufacturing Community and bring forth a unique perspective.