About IMEC

IMEC was established in 1996 to improve the productivity and competitiveness of Illinois' small and mid-sized manufacturing firms. We link your long-term plans and related goals with on-site implementation services by identifying performance gaps, solving these gaps, and building a culture to support sustained improvements. We help optimize operating capacity, implement advanced product and process innovations, increase sales and enter new markets, and improve profitability.

IMEC customizes every solution to address the client's specific needs, uses training to transfer knowledge and skills to the client's employees, and serves as a mentor and coach to sustain success.


We are committed to providing a return on investment. On average, every dollar invested in IMEC's assistancegenerates twenty dollars in client sales, cost savings, and productivity improvements*. We have ongoing discussions with clients to determine if we are achieving the objectives desired and that even one year later these returns are still being realized.

*Based on a three year average

IMEC State and National Network

IMEC specialists have an average of 18 years manufacturing experience and are strategically positioned across the state. To ensure the right expert is focused on the solution, IMEC also utilizes Illinois-based public and private sector resources, as well as expertise from a national network of more than 1,400 consultants from affiliated U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers.

Operating Partners

Bradley University
University of Illinois st Chicago Northern Illinois University
Tooling & Manufacturing Association